What Is A Broker VS Agent?
The Real Estate industry has been changing over the years. When I started 30+ years ago, there were 25,000 agents in the State of Connecticut; now, there are less than 16,000. One reason for this is there are few qualified professionals that know all aspects of buying and selling and there is no support either educationally or financially by Real Estate Companies. One question asked of me is, “What is the difference between an agent and a broker?” To get into the business as an agent, all you need is 60 hours of classes and then take a test. If you want to become a broker and control your own business, you need two years experience and over 300 hours of schooling. I have over 900 hours of training and have built houses plus developed subdivisions and developed a Company that is light years ahead of any company!
The standard branch office structure has a broker located somewhere in the State with agents in an office run by a Manager. We can compare this to the question of your health. Who would go to for major decisions regarding physical problems? A Doctor who is an intern, or a professional who has handled hundreds of cases? I have signed, under contract, over 600 people, and specialize in negotiating for the best interest of my clients. Our marketing plans for sellers are not matched by any company! If you have important questions concerning your family, whom would you want to talk to – an agent or the Broker/Owner?
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