Relocation Process
To relocate in or out of state can be a complicated matter. With the right professional guidance, it’s not bad at all. The first thing we must do is determine the value of your home through a Brokers Opinion. This will show us how long it will take to sell your home and at what price. After we figure out the equity in your home, it’s time to talk to a mortgage person. Being referred to one is very important because there are a number of fees you can pay or not. The difference between a Mortgage Broker and a Bank is that the Broker has access to many lending institutions, whereas a Bank offers only its own program. Getting prequalified for a mortgage is good, but preapproved is better. Now it’s time to get full exposure to the market and our program is superior to any company’s. When drawing up the listing contract and the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) page, it is prime you add, “subject to the owner finding home of choice,” which protects you.
Prior to sitting down with you to list your home, we need to determine where you want to move. No matter if you are moving to another location within Connecticut or to another state, we can handle all details. The Buyer’s Program gives you instant access with your computer to see everything on the market with daily updates because the best deals are gone in a week.
The control, timing and legal structure of selling and buying your new home is a delicate matter that should be left to a top negotiator. There are over 100 ways to win or lose when buying or selling real estate. To win, you need to know all the rules of the game and have an expert guide you through the process making things much easier.
It is hard for me to cover everything in this brief letter; so, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me anytime.
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